Saturday, September 18, 2010

Return to blogging

I am returning to blogging. I am a little more motivated to do it again and I'd like to try to motivate myself more towards Christmas knitting. I already have a list of things to make and it feels like its looming over me. I also would love to post more about my spinning. I have made it part of my new 101 things to do in 1001 days to blog at least once a month for a year.

Yes, I have started to spin. In April I bought a beginner spindle at the Knitter's Frolic. It came with some fiber to get me started. I also bought some Fleece Artist fiber to spin afterwards. Its a good thing I quickly learned that due to the dying technique used, the Fleece Artist stuff is compacted, making it slightly difficult to spin, otherwise I may not have enjoyed it so much later. During a trip to the Fibre Garden in Jordon I picked up some different fiber and was well on my way to being completely obsessed with spinning. Since then I have acquired a Majacraft Turkish Spindle and a spindolyn (should be arriving any day now...). Currently I am working on some striped Finn sliver I bought today while at the Fibre Garden for World Wide Spin in Public Day.

Today is a super exciting day for other reasons. I have some time when I can clean up my yarn room (time that I haven't had in recent months). Not only did I find a pair of 2.5mm dpns that I lost quite some time ago...I also found 2(!) tapestry needles I'd also lost months and months ago. Woot!

Lastly I will share my newest game that I play while waiting for the bus to come home. As some of you know I have a really long commute to my work right now...approximately 2 hours and 15-20 minutes each way. I'm on a 5.5 month contract so it will end eventually and I must admit it is worth it for the experience I am getting in my field. Anyways, the game is called "Those Aren't Pants!". I wait for the bus at a university campus and count the number of girls I see wearing leggings. I'm sorry but leggings are not pants. Leggings flatter no one. I don't care how skinny or not skinny the person is...they are not flattering, they're a bit disturbing. I don't count the ones worn with long shirts or with skirts, etc. I'm only counting the number worn just like pants. It just seems wrong...sometimes I feel like they could be charged with indecent exposure. I find it especially weird when they're making out with their boyfriends and the boyfriend is grabbing their ass in public. Ew. My first day playing this game when the new school year started (Monday) I counted 14 in less than 15 minutes. Some of the leggings are interesting because they look like someone cut up a couch to make them. Tuesday or Wednesday there were 17, and Thursday was a bit on the chilly side so the number of not-pants greatly decreased (YAY COLD!) and I only saw 2 in my 15 minute wait.
I'll keep you posted.

1 comment:

  1. I like that game!!! Silly people, those aren't pants! (the photo to illustrate said point is fab, btw).
