Tuesday, August 11, 2009

New upcoming projects

So at knit night we were discussing baby knits and then I realized I actually have people I can knit baby things for! One in Kitchener and one in Australia, both expecting later this year. I started thinking small... maybe a hat, and then I started thinking maybe some booties as well, no problem. Now I'm thinking big, maybe I'll knit a sweater or two in there as well. No doubt with birthdays and Christmas coming up they will become smaller ideas again but we'll see how it goes. I definitely have the yarn in the stash for all this.
I've noticed a lot of cute baby knits in ravelry's recently added patterns and have been really tempted to add almost all to my queue but have resisted most until I had a reason.

So right now for Kitchener baby I'm thinking a hat, something in the fruit shaped variety, with a hooded sweatshirt and booties. For Australia baby I'm thinking a hat, probably also fruit or leaf shape and booties. I'm not really sure how cold it gets, if a tiny sweater would be appropriate, I'll have to do some research. There is a "5 hour sweater" for new borns that is a bit lacy that might work.

Other projects are going well. The super secret sunset sweater now has a back and the front has been started. I'm slowly working away at the candle shawl when I'm not working on socks. Oh, and a BIG thanks to maybaby at Sip N' Stitch for the circular needles! I now have needles small enough that I can do the 2 at a time socks (YAY!) which should be perfect for upcoming Christmas knits, there are a couple socks in that queue.

Now time for bed. I think tomorrow I'm going to make some baby booties!