Tuesday, December 28, 2010

December Knitting

I'm almost finished my december knitting! There are two last small projects to complete before New Years Day when I go to the last Christmassy party and give them away. One is a hat and the other is a secret project and will be revealed soon. For Christmas this year I got a wheel! Its beautiful and I was able to start spinning with it right away! The only difficult part was putting it back together. I kinda wish it had a dvd or more Ikea-like instructions because it may as well have been in another language for me. I seem to require pictures to compare things to, now just one that points to items on the finished product. I looked at the first line of the instructions I don't know how many times before DH sat down to help. Once he started reading out the instructions I felt a little less overwhelmed and was able to concentrate on the parts and found what the first line was referring to...it was sitting beside me the whole time. I spun up 4oz of some Waterloo Wools beauty and now I'm working on 4oz of the corridale fibre that came with the wheel. Its a little difficult to draft at first but I do find that its easier to draft when I draft really really thin. No complaints there :)

My goals from earlier in the year:
1) Learn to crochet...turn out at least 1 crochet item.
2) Fill my sock drawer with hand-knit socks or, to be more specific, have at least one pair of hand-knit socks for each day of the week.
3) Now that my stash has grown quite larger than I expected - use what is in the stash and only buy at special knitting events (needle emporium tent sale, knitter's frolic, knitter's fair). Disclaimer: yarn bought with gift cards doesn't count :D
4) Knit another sweater for myself

The 1st I completed! I crocheted a few things. I worked on one of the adorable dolls from Creepy Cute Crochet. I didn't finish the stuffing and putting it all together but other than that it is done. I also crocheted a few baby bibs that were given away as gifts. I'm told they are loved. :) I failed on the 2nd but I'm going to transfer that over to the new years goals. The 3rd I did ok. I bought some extra yarn for gifts and I did buy fibre but I don't know if I'm going to count that because while it will become yarn, it wasn't yarn when I bought it :D I also failed on the the 4th...but I did start one! Really I did. I would have finished it if October hadn't come by so fast with the Christmas knitting. Ah well.

New goals for next year - knitting & spinning!
1) Knit a pair of socks each month
2) Spin a sweaters worth of yarn
3) Spin a sock weight yarn
4) Yarn dieting - same as last year, buy yarn only at special knitting events
5) Participate in the Rare Breeds Challenge with the Spin Doctor Podcast group
6) Knit myself a sweater
7) Learn to spin woolen and worsted

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Cutting it close

So its the last day of November and I'm finally doing the blog post. Its been a looooong month. I'm almost done my current contract, so soon I will have a ton of time on my hands to finish Christmas knitting! I'll also be able to go out and buy buttons for presents that are done minus the button(s). And maybe, just maybe I'll have time for a long post!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Podcasts and Fleece Festivals!

Two blog posts in one month! Oh my!

I've been listening to a lot of podcasts lately. It helps me get through the work days and sometimes the bus rides home. Unfortunately the Grey's Anatomy podcast doesn't seem to be happening yet really my list is dominated by knitting/spinning. Here are some that I highly recommend (all can be found on iTunes or with a quick search on the ravelry forums):

SpinDoctor - I can not recommend this one enough! She reviews fibre, fibre processors, indie dyers, all kinds of spinning equipment, books, DVDs...the list goes on and on! Great to listen to and very informative.

Knitmore Girls - A mother-daughter knitting production. They are awesome. They talk about spinning and knitting. Go check them out now!

The Knit Wits - A husband-wife team. Its relatively new. She knits, he doesn't but has a background in radio and voice-over work. Its super awesome. I listen to them when I'm having a bad day and it cheers me up. My favourite bit is the apologies at the end. Can't get enough.

Electric Sheep - A podcast done by a woman in London. Its funny, informative and a really great listen. Don't know how to describe it in a way that would do it justice. I started from the beginning and am working my way up to the most recent episodes.

I went with my very good friend to the Woodstock Fleece Festival today. I think I came out with a pretty good haul. I got my first ever fleece. Its a 3.1lb pure Canadian Shetland lamb. Its first sheering. I bought it from Chassagne Farm booth. The woman there was very nice, helpful and knowledgeable about her sheep. The price was excellent and I saw no reason not to buy it!

I also got 4oz from an alpaca fleece. It was so pretty and so soft! I would have bought more if I didn't think I would have gone over budget. I can't wait to spin this into something!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Christmas Knitting Begins

Ok...October blog post! Continuing my goal to post once a month for at least a year.

I have started my Christmas knitting! I have a list and I'm trying to work through it. One of the presents I'm going to take a stab at designing. We'll see how that goes and I'll post the results. I don't want to jinx it :) I've finished one Calorimetry and may make another one. I had to decrease the number of cast on stitches but it took up almost an entire ball of Mission Falls yarn that I picked up at the tent sale. I also have one slipper of a pair finished but I'm kind of bored with it so I'm not sure when I'll start the next one. I'm now using the needle size to make the TTL mystery sock 2010.

Not mentioning names but I had a weird encounter at a LYS recently. First let me say that it is a HUGE store. I had limited time because I got there half hour before closing and looking for specific yarns myself would have taken forever! An employee asked if they could help me, so I asked if they had Madelinetosh. She said no. I asked if they had any Spud and Chloe and she said "No, we don't carry any of those American yarns." She sounded extremely annoyed and you'd think American yarns were a bad thing from her tone. I honestly can't believe there couldn't be any American yarns in the store. Maybe she's sick of being asked about those particular yarns? Being annoyed by those yarns seems kinda weird considering among their many many nice yarns they also have quite the collection of fun fur and eyelash yarns. Plus it was just a question. No need for rudeness. The rest of the employees were very nice so I won't hold it against the store...this time :P

And now for another exciting installment of Those Aren't Pants! I was standing in line for the bus and saw these. I had to take a picture, they're the worst ones I've seen so far. I swear I've seen bras that match these. She wasn't wearing anything over top, just wearing them like pants.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Return to blogging

I am returning to blogging. I am a little more motivated to do it again and I'd like to try to motivate myself more towards Christmas knitting. I already have a list of things to make and it feels like its looming over me. I also would love to post more about my spinning. I have made it part of my new 101 things to do in 1001 days to blog at least once a month for a year.

Yes, I have started to spin. In April I bought a beginner spindle at the Knitter's Frolic. It came with some fiber to get me started. I also bought some Fleece Artist fiber to spin afterwards. Its a good thing I quickly learned that due to the dying technique used, the Fleece Artist stuff is compacted, making it slightly difficult to spin, otherwise I may not have enjoyed it so much later. During a trip to the Fibre Garden in Jordon I picked up some different fiber and was well on my way to being completely obsessed with spinning. Since then I have acquired a Majacraft Turkish Spindle and a spindolyn (should be arriving any day now...). Currently I am working on some striped Finn sliver I bought today while at the Fibre Garden for World Wide Spin in Public Day.

Today is a super exciting day for other reasons. I have some time when I can clean up my yarn room (time that I haven't had in recent months). Not only did I find a pair of 2.5mm dpns that I lost quite some time ago...I also found 2(!) tapestry needles I'd also lost months and months ago. Woot!

Lastly I will share my newest game that I play while waiting for the bus to come home. As some of you know I have a really long commute to my work right now...approximately 2 hours and 15-20 minutes each way. I'm on a 5.5 month contract so it will end eventually and I must admit it is worth it for the experience I am getting in my field. Anyways, the game is called "Those Aren't Pants!". I wait for the bus at a university campus and count the number of girls I see wearing leggings. I'm sorry but leggings are not pants. Leggings flatter no one. I don't care how skinny or not skinny the person is...they are not flattering, they're a bit disturbing. I don't count the ones worn with long shirts or with skirts, etc. I'm only counting the number worn just like pants. It just seems wrong...sometimes I feel like they could be charged with indecent exposure. I find it especially weird when they're making out with their boyfriends and the boyfriend is grabbing their ass in public. Ew. My first day playing this game when the new school year started (Monday) I counted 14 in less than 15 minutes. Some of the leggings are interesting because they look like someone cut up a couch to make them. Tuesday or Wednesday there were 17, and Thursday was a bit on the chilly side so the number of not-pants greatly decreased (YAY COLD!) and I only saw 2 in my 15 minute wait.
I'll keep you posted.