After Christmas day I had to get back to the knitting for those we were seeing on New Years. I managed to get the hat and backpack done and they were well received. I was super pleased with how the backpack came out.
The Bowser Backpack!
Last year I was talking to the recipient of this lovely bag about baby knits. Hubby thinks that the baby link outfit is a little ridiculous but would approve of a baby mario outfit...go figure! Anyways, during the conversation she mentioned that she thought a bowser backpack would be awesome. I tucked that away in the back of my mind and when I got home I started writing down my ideas. I searched patterns and didn't find one. It kept getting put aside for other projects for a while but I finally finished it. Of course now that I would like to write up the pattern in case anyone else is ever looking for a bowser backpack I CAN'T FIND THE NOTE BOOK! :S *sigh*. I had other lists, knitting ideas and various notes in that book and its gone. I've looked all over the house. I'm still in the middle of cleaning my yarn room. My dad dropped off a huge amount of stuff that I still had at my parents house and I've been trying to get through it all. I'm getting rid of a lot of stuff. I'm still a little hopeful that book is going to show up but I can't imagine where. My last idea is that our ghost, Lenore has taken it and will reveal it when she feels like it. If she doesn't, I guess I remember how to do most of the bag so I should be able to recreate it. I'm giving it until the yarn room is clean.
Ask Lenore; I hear ghosties are receptive to simple requests!